I visit the stuff of life in my imagination, memory, feelings, and dreams in order to perceive a new order of things: a clearer meaning, a fresh beginning. With perspective, intention, energy, and tools, I make stuff.

My hands urge to dig. Everything I need is right in front of me. Each work speaks of a new process and I move closer to listen. Ambiguity, juxtaposition, chance, and wonder guide me. Time expands. I see as if for the first time.

As a child I drew and dreamt of other worlds. I rearranged rooms and turned claustrophobic closets into faraway places. I mined for treasure at thrift shops and breathed new life into the discard of other people’s lives.

Today I work in abstraction, portraiture, nature, objects, and interiors. Balancing chaos and order, I mine for treasure and move stuff around. I long to create something out of nothing, as I did as a child. The work parallels and punctuates my life.